Sunday, October 24, 2010

Runny rocks

Cooking should make you happy.  It isn’t martyrdom, and if you don’t enjoy the process, even if the results are fabulous, really, you should quit.  As Erin Pizzey said in her unforgettable Slut’s Cookbook (unfortunately out of print):

“Meals shared by members of a family or by friends should be cheerful times, not silent battles or competitions. […] Home cooking often comes with such a heavy measure of guilt that a tin of beans and a happy smile are preferable to the sight of women… tottering around the kitchen, muttering the equivalents of ‘Oy vay’.”

A person who makes me happy is RunnyRunny999, whose channel on YouTube is joyful and infectious.  Runny loves to cook, and as you’ll see at the end of his clips, loves to eat.  His dishes are simple and good and are for anyone who hasn’t been conned into thinking that home cooking should look like it came out of a commercial kitchen or been professionally styled (what I call Masterchef Disease).  Runny is also sweet and absolutely hilarious.

How sweet and hilarious?  Well, he actually cooked a request for my daughter’s birthday, and… Well, my description won’t do it justice.  Check it out.

Thanks, Runny.  You rock!

PS:  Sorry I can't format the vid to look right on the page!  Augh!